Timologiera – Invoice – Receipt MyData for Service Providing Businesses
Timologiera l issues service invoices and receipts. There is no restriction on the service description in the invoice or receipt. You can have a general description and change it when entering the electronic invoice.
It supports recurring invoices with simple copy and paste. Specialized functions for lawyers and law firms, including coverage of deductions and withholdings, and a special printing form for lawyers.
Coverage of all VAT exemption articles for service providing businesses (language schools, daycare centers, educational institutions, advertising agencies, and all businesses that issue service invoices or receipts).
Timologiera has a direct connection with AADE and MyData, assisting accountants and accounting firms in their efficient and proper operation. Invoicing in MyData and issuing service receipts is now an easy process for all service providing businesses.
Targeted at:
Accountants, accounting firms, business consultants, economists, lawyers, notaries, law firms, court bailiffs, language schools, daycare centers, educational institutions, advertising agencies.